200 hours yoga teacher training

200 Hours Yoga Teacher Traning Course in Rishikesh, India

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and yogic mastery with our 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course at Upasana Yogshala in the spiritual haven of Rishikesh, India. Rooted in the authentic traditions of yoga, this comprehensive program is designed to nurture practitioners at every level, from beginners to seasoned yogis. Led by our experienced and certified instructors, the course covers a diverse curriculum encompassing asanas, meditation, pranayama, philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology.

  • Gain a solid understanding of yoga principles, postures, and philosophy, forming the foundation for a lifelong practice.
  • Experience holistic transformation with a curriculum covering physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga.
  • Deepen your personal practice, refining asanas, pranayama, and meditation techniques under expert guidance.
  • Acquire tools for stress management and mindfulness, enhancing mental resilience and emotional well-being.
  • Attain a globally recognized certification, opening doors to teach yoga and share its benefits with others.
  • Join a supportive community of fellow practitioners, fostering connections that extend beyond the training.
  • Immerse yourself in the rich culture of your training location, adding a unique and enriching aspect to your yoga journey.
  • Embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner growth, cultivating a balanced and harmonious approach to life.

The serene backdrop of Rishikesh, nestled in the Himalayas and along the banks of the sacred Ganges River, provides the ideal setting for this transformative experience. Whether your goal is to deepen your personal practice or to become a certified yoga instructor, our 200 Hours TTC at Upasana Yogshala is a transformative stepping stone on your yogic journey. Join us in this immersive and supportive environment, where mind, body, and spirit unite in the pursuit of holistic well-being.

Limited Time offer


For details about the course

200 Hours Yoga Course Content

   Introduction to Yoga

  • A session to introduce the fundamentals of yoga, including a traditional Fire Ceremony to invoke positive energy.
  • Gain insight into the brief history and origins of yoga, tracing its roots and evolution over time.
  • Understand the different paths of yoga, such as Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, and Raja yoga, and their relevance in practice.

  Mantra & Mantra Chanting

Mantra: Mantras are sacred sounds, words, or phrases used to focus the mind and attain spiritual attention. It is a powerful tool for mental clarity and spiritual growth. Here are some key aspects of mantras:

  1. Art of Mantra: Understanding how mantras work and their spiritual significance.
  2. Science of Mantra: The scientific reasoning behind the sounds and vibrations in mantras.
  3. Power of Mantra: The transformative effects of mantras on the mind, body, and spirit.
  4. Formation of Mantra: How mantras are structured and their phonetic arrangement.
  5. Mantra as a Religion: The role of mantras in various religious practices.
  6. Vibration of Sound: The energetic vibrations produced by chanting mantras.

Mantra Chanting: Chanting mantras is a potent spiritual practice that creates harmony between body, mind, and soul. It helps in centering your energy and developing inner peace. Some popular mantras and their benefits include:

  • Om Mantra: The primordial sound of the universe.
  • Shiva Mantra: For peace and balance.
  • Durga Mantra: For strength and energy.
  • Kundalini Mantra: Awakens the Kundalini energy within.
  • Ganesha Mantra: Removes obstacles and grants success.
  • Gayatri Mantra: Purifies the mind.
  • Maha Mritunjaya Mantra: For healing and longevity.
  • Suryanamaskar 12 Mantras: A powerful chant for sun salutations.

  Hatha Yoga Asana & Theory 

  • Learn the foundations of Hatha Yoga, which emphasizes balance through physical postures (asanas).
  • Practice basic asanas to build strength and flexibility.
  • Progress to intermediate and advanced asanas to deepen your practice.
  • Understand the principles of sequencing and flow, creating a smooth transition between postures.
  • Focus on alignment principles to ensure proper body positioning in each asana.
  • Learn to apply adjustments and modifications for varying skill levels and body types.

Traditional Hatha Yoga

Traditional Hatha Yoga is a physical and mental discipline designed to promote wellness, strength, and flexibility. Our Hatha Yoga sessions include:

  1. Pavanmuktasana Series 1, 2, & 3: For joint flexibility and digestion.
  2. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation): A 12-asana sequence for energy and vitality.
  3. Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation): A balancing sequence to cool the body.
  4. Standing, Sitting, and Balancing Postures: For strength and stability.
  5. Backbending, Forward Bending, and Twisting Postures: For flexibility and spinal health.
  6. Inversions & Meditative Asana Series: To improve focus and internal balance.

Over 140 series of asanas are covered to build physical and mental discipline.

Theory of Hatha Yoga: Theory is essential to understanding the philosophy and purpose of Hatha Yoga. Topics include:

  1. Hatha Yoga Philosophy: The spiritual framework of Hatha Yoga.
  2. Yoga as Therapy: Healing through asanas and pranayama.
  3. Connection with Chakras, Nadis, and Kundalini: The subtle body and energy flow.

  Pranayama & Shatkarma

  • Master yogic breathing techniques such as Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, and Kapalabhati.
  • Discover the benefits and effects of each breathing technique on the body and mind.
  • Learn how to incorporate breathwork into your asana practice, enhancing energy flow and mindfulness.

   Pranayama (Breathing Practices)

Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath, a vital life force. Our four-week pranayama course includes:

  1. Week 1: Introduction to pranayama techniques.
  2. Week 2: Deepening the practice and building core strength.
  3. Week 3: Advanced breath retention and chakra awareness.
  4. Week 4: Teaching practices and mastering breath control.

Key pranayama practices include:

  • Nadi Shodhana (Anulom Vilom): Balancing breath through alternate nostrils.
  • Kapalbhati: Energizing the body and clearing the mind.
  • Ujjayi (Ocean Breath): Promoting calm and focus.

   Yoga Philosophy

Yoga Philosophy teaches the spiritual foundations of yoga. This includes:

  • Week 1: Explore an overview of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali or other significant yogic texts.
  • Week 2: Study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
  • Week 3: Exploring Bhagavad Geeta and Upanishads.
  • Week 4: Chakras, Nadis, Kundalini, and deeper spiritual exploration. Understand the eight limbs of yoga, which outline a path for living a purposeful and enlightened life.

     Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep)

Yoga Nidra allows you to access a state between waking and sleeping. In this practice, you can achieve deep relaxation and rejuvenate your mind and body. The four-week course includes:

  1. Week 1: Basic relaxation techniques.
  2. Week 2: Visualization practices.
  3. Week 3: Chakra awareness.
  4. Week 4: Inner flame meditation.

    Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)

Shatkarma refers to six purification techniques that cleanse the body and mind. You’ll learn:

  • Jihwa Dhauti: Tongue cleansing.
  • Jalaneti: Nasal cleansing with water.
  • Kapalbhati: Mind cleansing through rapid exhalation.

     Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

  • An introduction to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, a dynamic practice emphasizing breath and movement coordination.
  • Learn and practice the Primary Series, a set sequence of postures in Ashtanga Yoga.
  • Focus on adjustments and alignment to deepen your practice and prevent injury.
  • Learn injury prevention and modifications to adapt the practice to your body’s needs.
  • Understand teaching methodology for guiding others in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
  • Experience the Mysore Style Practice, a self-led practice with instructor guidance.
  • Introduction
  • History
  •  Awakening the Inner Fire
  •  The Breath of Life (Prana)
  •  Chakras
  •  Eight Limbs of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga)
  •  The practice of K.Pattabhi Jois
  •  Bandha practice
  •  Drishti (Focusing the Attention)
  •  Cleansing & Purification
  •  Developing a pious platform for yogic practice
  •  Use of yoga props and instruments
  •  Sun Salutation A & B (week 1) – Surya Namaskar Series A & B
  •  Standing Asana Series (week 2)
  •  Sitting Asana Series (Week 3)
  •  Finishing Asana Series (Week 3)
  •  Teaching Practices (Traditional & Mysore Style- Week 4)
  •  Padangustasana (Big toes Posture)
  •  Pada hastasana (Hand under foot posture)
  •  Utthita trikoṇasana (A+B) (Triangle posture)
  •  Utthita parsvakonasana (A+B) (Extended side angle pose)
  •  Prasarita padottanasana (A,B,C,D) (Intense wide leg stretch)
  •  Parsvottanasana (Intense side stretch posture)
  •  Utthita Trikoṇasana (A+B) Triangle posture
  •  Utthita Parsvakonasana (A+B) Extended side angle pose
  •  Prasarita Padottanasana (A,B,C,D) – Intense wide leg stretch
  •  Parsvottanasana – Intense side stretch posture
  •  Utthita Hasta Padangusṭasana- hand to big toe posture
  •  Ardha bandha padmottanasana (Half-bound lotus forward bend)
  •  Utkatasana (Fierce pose)
  •  Virabhadrasana (Warrier pose) A+B
  •  Dandasana (Staff pose)
  •  Pascimattanasana (Intense west stretch or sitting forward bend)
  •  Purvattanasana (Intense east stretch)
  •  Ardha bandha padma pascimattanasana (Half bound lotus forward bend)
  •  Tiryangmukha Eka pada pascimattanasana (Reverse the leg, one leg intense stretch)
  •  Janusirsasana (Head-to-knee pose)
  •  Marichyasana (Leg Binding Pose)
  •  Navasana (Boat Pose)
  •  Bhujapiḍasana (Shoulder Pressure Pose)
  •  Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)
  •  Suptakurmasana (Reclining Turtle Pose Yoga)
  •  Garbhapindasana (Womb Pose)
  •  Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose, or Rooster Posture)
  •  Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose, Butterfly Pos
  •  Upavistha Konasana (Seated Angle Posture)
  •  Suptakonasana
  •  Supta Padangustasna
  •  Ubhaya Padangustasna
  •  Urdhvamukha Pascimattanasana
  •  Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

Finishing Postures

  • Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward bow posture)
  •  Salaṁba sarvangasana (shoulder stand posture)
  •  Halasana (plough posture)
  •  Karṇa pidasana (ear pressure posture)
  •  Pindasana (Embryo Pose)
  •  Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
  •  Uttanapadasana (Leg Lifting Posture)
  •  Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
  •  Shirshasana (Yoga Headstand)
  •  Baddhapadmāsana (Bound Lotus Posture)
  •  Yoga Mudra
  •  Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
  •  Utpluthiḥ
  •  Savasana (Corpse Pose)

    Anatomy and Physiology

  • Develop a basic understanding of human anatomy as it relates to yoga practice, especially the skeletal, muscular, and respiratory systems.
  • Learn how these systems are involved in asanas and pranayama.
  • Understand the importance of preventing injuries and promoting safe practice.

In yoga, anatomy is a crucial subject for yoga teachers and learners. In the class, you will get to know physical anatomy and spiritual anatomy.

     Physical Anatomy

  • Introduction to Body
  •  Bodily Structures
  •  Body Planes
  •  Anatomical Movements
  •  Bones of the Skull
  •  Cervical Vertebrae
  •  Shoulder Girdle/ Arm Bones/ Pelvic Region
  •  Deformities of the Spine
  •  Lower Extremity
  •  Tendons and Ligaments
  •  Muscular System
  •  Nervous System
  •  Respiratory System

    Spiritual Anatomy

  • Nadi (Energy Channel)
  •  Chakras (Energy Centres)
  •  Kundalini (Prime Energy and Souce of All Creativity)
  •  Pancha kosha (5 Layers)
  •  Pancha Mahabhuta (5 Elements and Body Structure)
  •  Tri-Guna (Three Attributes)

    Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is essential for mental clarity and stress reduction. It helps you focus and access a deep state of relaxation. Our course focuses on:

  • Week 1: Introduction to various meditation techniques that enhance mental clarity and calm.
  • Week 2: Learn how to develop mindfulness and focus during both meditation and physical practice.
  • Week 3: Understand the benefits of regular meditation and its impact on overall well-being.
  • Week 4: Chakra awareness and Kundalini meditation.

Meditation is essential for mental clarity and stress reduction. It helps you focus and access a deep state of relaxation. Our course focuses on:

  1. Week 1: Introduction and foundation building.
  2. Week 2: Concentration and focus techniques.
  3. Week 3: Meditation practices for mental clarity.
  4. Week 4: Chakra awareness and Kundalini meditation.

You’ll explore various styles such as:

  • Himalayan Meditation: Traditional practices of inner awareness.
  • Nada Meditation: Using sound and mantra for mindfulness.
  • Active Meditation: Techniques like dynamic or walking meditation.

     Anatomy & Physiology

Understanding physical and spiritual anatomy is essential for yoga practice:

  • Physical Anatomy: Understanding bones, muscles, respiratory and nervous systems.
  • Spiritual Anatomy: Studying chakras, nadis, and kundalini energy.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy combines postures, pranayama, and meditation for healing and balance. You’ll learn:

  • Therapy for Common Diseases: Using yoga to manage and heal illnesses.
  • Healing Practices: Techniques for body and mind alignment.


Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing science, explains how to balance the body’s elements to promote health. You’ll study:

  1. Panchamahabhuta (Five Elements): Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space.
  2. Kapha, Vata, and Pitta Doshas: Balancing the body’s constitution.


Mudras are hand gestures that influence energy flow in the body. You’ll learn:

  • Gyan Mudra: For wisdom and concentration.
  • Prana Mudra: For vitality and health.

Mudra is a symbolic gesture. It is normally practices with hands and fingers, explaining the flow of energy in the subtle body. It brings a wondrous change in body and mind.

The 200 Hours Yoga Course explains,

  • Mudras
  •  The Secrets of Mudra
  •  The Position of Elements in the Hands
  •  The Need for Mudra
  •  Advantages of Mudras
  •  Special Guidelines About Mudra
  •  Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Wisdom)
  •  Purn Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Complete Wisdom)
  •  Vairagya Mudra (Gesture of Dispassion)
  •  Abhaya Mudra (Gesture of Fearlessness)
  •  Dhyana Mudra (Meditation Mudra)
  •  Vayu Mudra (Gesture of Air)
  •  Pran Mudra (Gesture of Prana)
  •  Prithvi Mudra (Gesture of Earth)
  •  Surya Mudra (Gesture of Sun)
  •  Varun Mudra (Gesture of God of Water)
  •  Shoonya mudra (Gesture of Openness, Space)
  •  Pran-Apan Mudra (Gesture of Prana Apana)

    Bandhas (Energy Lock)

Bandhas are techniques that lock and release energy in the body. You’ll learn:

  • Mula Bandha: The root lock.
  • Jalandhar Bandha: The throat lock.
  • Uddiyana Bandha: The abdominal lock.

     Teaching Methodology

In addition to being a practitioner, you’ll learn how to effectively teach yoga by:

  1. Demonstrating proper posture.
  2. Guiding students through safe and effective sequences.
  3. Aligning and adjusting students for optimal benefits.

Daily Schedule Sample

Wake Up
05:30 AM
Pranayama & Shatkarma
06:15 To 07:15 AM
Hatha Yoga Asana
07:30 To 09:00 AM
09:15 To 10:00 AM
Adjustment & Alignment
10:15 To 11:15 AM
Yoga Philosophy
11:30 To 12:30 PM
Yoga Anatomy
12.30 To 01:30 PM
01:30 To 02:30 PM
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
03.30 To 05:00 PM
05:30 To 06:30 PM
07:00 To 08:00 PM
Light Off
10.00 PM

Benefits of taking a course at Upasana Yogshala



We provide single-gendered shared rooms which are ideal for students who seek a more reasonable accommodation rate while still having all the comforts of being indoors. Our private rooms are ideal for any yoga students who prefer a little more privacy. Their couple private rooms are ideal for couples, family, and friends who prefer a little more privacy.


All of the meals are 100% vegetarian. The tasty traditional Indian meals are completely vegetarian.

Upcoming Dates For This Course

Twin Shared
Seats left
03rd Mar To 26th Mar
03rd Apr To 26th Apr
03rd May To 26th May
03rd Jun To 26th Jun
03rd Jul To 26th Jul
03rd Aug To 26th Aug
03rd Sep To 26th Sep
03rd Oct To 26th Oct
03rd Nov To 26th Nov
03rd Dec To 26th Dec

How To Reach Upsana Yogshala

The retreat is located in the heart of the sacred township of Rishikesh where the holy river Ganges passes and at the foothills of the Himalayas, the abode of yogis. The Retreat Center is in a wonderful magical place only a 3 to 5-minute walk from the start of Laxman Jhula market and a 15 to 20-minute walk to the bank of the river. It is the perfect location for your activities.


Delhi Airport

Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) is 250 KM away from our school and 5 hours drive by car to reach Rishikesh.


Dehradun Airport

Jolly Grant Airport (DED) is 20 KM away from our school just 30 mintue drive by car.


Railway Station

Yog Nagri Railway Station is nearest station just 8 Km from School and the secound nearest is Haridwar railway station.




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Discover Your Yogic Potential with a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Upasana Yogshala

At Upasana Yogshala, we are globally recognized for our commitment to holistic yogic living, making us the top choice for the 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) in Rishikesh. Our authentic teachings are tailored to individual needs, helping each student evolve into a skilled yoga teacher with the guidance of experienced instructors.

Nestled in the serene foothills of the Himalayas, Upasana Yogshala offers a truly spiritual experience, where students can deepen their practice and embrace a yogic lifestyle. With dedicated support from our team, personalized guidance, and inspiring lectures from renowned guest speakers, we ensure every participant receives a transformative and life-changing education.

Our program includes enriching excursions to enhance your understanding of yoga, welcoming everyone from beginners to seasoned practitioners. Upon completing the 200-Hour Yoga TTC, you’ll be a certified yoga teacher, ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Join us at Upasana Yogshala for this incredible journey, where you’ll find inner peace, valuable knowledge, and an unforgettable learning experience that will last a lifetime!

yoga retreat

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